Will Arm Wrestle for Food

Contest at Sammy's: win an arm wrestling contest and you get a free meal. If you loose? You have to buy a meal. I decided to go for it.

Andrew was too wimpy.

The arm wrestling table.

The cheering crowd.

About to win me a dinner.

OK moment of truth: I lost..  (I'm pretty sure I was the only one to loose) I blame my height--everyone else who competed was tall and I was barely tall enough.  If we were sitting I could have taken her.  In the end, I still had a yummy dinner.


  1. This was awesome. I really wished you would have won. I really think the other girl was so desperate to win at least one match, that it was odds that she beat the short girl. I am so proud of my wife.

  2. I mean how many guy's get to see their wives arm wrestle for a free dinner at a burger joint? I did good.

  3. For the record, I was not wimpy. The guy's arm was the size of my leg. He had to weigh over 200. I wasn't hungry, there was no point.

  4. Lol oh I got I good laugh out of this. So who do you arm wrestle with? The owners or other customers?

  5. The girl I arm wrestled was one of the employees and the guy the boys had to arm wrestle was the owner.

  6. All the info you need is in the first picture (advertisement). It explains the event.

  7. Lindsay, You Rock! I love the intensity in your face!


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